2024 – The Year Ahead

Many things will reach their apex this year. Once things reach this point, it will be a decisive moment. Which way will things proceed? What follows is reflections from my prayers and meditations concerning 2024.

climber on hilltop at dusk
Photo by Gautham Krishnan on Pexels.com


The elections of 2024 will be strange. Shifts will be constantly, fluctuating, daunting and shocking. Upheavals will course changes which have the potential to bring about turmoil. Expect the unexpected as things move into a decisive moment that will be shocking to many. High emotions have the potential to cause outbursts. Watch Ghana, South Africa, Mexico, Iceland, Moldova, and the United States.

Earth Movements

Earthquakes and flooding will be the challenges of 2024. Unexpected locations that will be surprising and devastating. There are cases of earthquakes and flooding every year, but these cases will be different, not expected and startling. Asia, Middle East and the USA stands out in the possible occurrences.

The Pope

Possible radical changes to the Papacy as the end of an era comes to a close. Revealing of secrets in a bold and daring manner that proceeds the changes. A series of events that has the potential to begin in the spring will bring about changes which will reveal things that have been hidden. This shifting in the Catholic Church will causes its members to make a choice on where they stand and how they want to proceed going forward.

headshot photo of a statue of a pope
Photo by Levent Simsek on Pexels.com

Wars and Rumors of War

Some conflicts will remain the same thru out 2024 because of bargains that have been made and a stalemate is in play. Other conflicts will see a dramatic escalation. The world has become like a giant chess board where the pieces are being positioned for the potential of an ultimate coup. Unforeseen locations will become involved as the pieces are positioned. The culture war in the United States will reach a state of transitioning into a pawn for events that will become a dividing moment between the people.


Prices will continue to soar threatening the financial institutions of the United States. Many will turn to bankruptcy to help with the burden. Shaking the stock market as the year progresses causing some to fear a crash. I did not see a crash but more of a shaking process, a warning that change must happen if a crash is to be prevented.

Religion and Spirituality

With the above mentioned changes in the Papacy along with the escalating culture war, many will struggle with faith. Some will find solace in faith causing a revival like atmosphere that will draw many. A possible revival in Europe birthed out of ongoing culture wars. But others will lose faith and use that as a platform to try to sway changes within various religious and spiritual groups. The Protestants will have more issues with abuse allegations in 2024 while the Catholics will be dealing with the issues that comes from the revealing mentioned above.


Upheaval in Hollywood as a dramatic revelation happens.

Tears and weeping in the music community.

Delays of revelations concerning high profile court cases possibly pushing them beyond 2025.

No E.T. meetups this year… sorry my Friends but they are a bit busy at the moment.

A major brand will have a takeover that brings sweeping changes that will be very shocking.


These are things I received during my prayers and meditations for 2024. As always, these things are only potentials and can change. Nothing is written in stone and depends on the actions of the people, all of us. No one is insignificant. Let your LIGHT shine in 2024 because the more LIGHT we bring to this world, the more positive change can occur. God has given us insight and wisdom for 2024, and He has given us LIGHT to shine to the world.

menorah with lit candles
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com