Defining Spirituality

If you take a look around at the current definitions of spirituality, you will find many ideologies but very little practical definitions and practices.

If you take a look around at the current definitions of spirituality, you will find plenty of ideologies and no God.

Current opinions about spirituality is often devoid of God and your relationship to God. And a spirituality devoid of God is reduced to an ego driven quest that fails to fulfill the longing within.

In reality, there can be no spirituality without God.

Spirituality is not about finding the “true self” but about finding yourself in relationship with God.

Spirituality is about discovering God and who you are in God.

Spirituality reveals our path to God.

It is a liberation of soul.

Spiritual reveals who you are and why you were created.

Spirituality is about awakening the soul.

Why is this important?

As we unite with God, a Light within us begins to grow. We begin to change in positive ways that helps us to live a better life, and help others live a better life.

Spirituality helps us to learn how to love, forgive, heal and find peace with God, ourselves and others.