Before Spirituality

Before you can begin to path to spirituality there are some questions that you must ask yourself.

Take your time answering them.
Be patient.
There is no rush in answering the questions.

And most importantly –>> turn off social media for a few days. Take a sabbatical from social media and contemplate your answers.

First question – Why?

An unfortune consequence of our modern times is that social media has become a looming influence over our lives. As a result we jump from trend to trend and that applies to spirituality as well.

Is your desire to embrace spirituality as a result of social media influence or a result of something else?

Sometimes a life crisis or health crisis can lead us to spirituality. The desire to find relief from the crisis causes us to seek out something that can alleviate the pain and stress we feel.

Maybe the “why” is because you have a void in your life that nothing has been able to fill. You may have tried many things such as; food, drugs, sex, hobbies, work, etc. only to discover that it is not working.

So why do you want spirituality?

Second question – what?

What do you hope to gain by embracing spirituality?

Part of developing spirituality is becoming a better person. Our morals, ethics, and lives are shaped by who we are. Spirituality gives us the keys to becoming the person we are created to be.

However, spirituality is not about gain but about what you become. If we pursue spirituality for gain, we lose sight of the true value and meaning of what spirituality is.

Matthew 16:26 says it best:
“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?”

Third question – Time

Are you willing to devote the time to developing your spirituality? Are you willing to give up time with family, friends, loved ones and more in the pursuit of the spiritual journey?

How important is spirituality to you?

Matthew 19:29
“And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life.”

The strange thing about spirituality is that the more time you give to your spiritual journey, the more time you gain with all aspects of life.

It is the paradox of spirituality.

Fourth and final question – God

Are you ready for God?

Are you truly ready for God to immersive Himself into every fabric of your life?

Are you ready to discover the missing piece of your life?

Are you truly ready to change?

Are your truly ready to let go? Face your fears? Face God?

This is a lifelong journey. Once you step on the path, your commitment to it is sealed.

You will experience great joys as well as great pains. You will change in ways you never expected. Your peception of the world around you will change.

Everything will change.

So carefully consider the questions. Let yourself do some deep soul searching.

Only then will you be able to take the first steps in the journey.